This thesis collection represents graduate student work from the Creative Arts Therapies department (formerly Dance/Movement Therapy & Counseling) in the School of Fine & Performing Arts at Columbia College Chicago.
Rooted in the rich history of dance/movement therapy, the department is guided by student‐centered practitioners and scholars who value artistic excellence. The Department of Creative Arts Therapies educates students to become leaders in the professional application of the arts within a discernible scope of credentialed practice.
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
A Dance/Movement Therapist's Perspective on Self-Regulation With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability, Nicole Louise Anderson
Stuck in Somatic Countertransference: A Heuristic Study, Katie Hochleutner
therARTpIST: an artisitc inquiry on the interplay of identities, Alisha Sue-Yi Jihn
The Manzano Movement Method (M3): Development of a Dance/Movement Therapy-Influenced Seated Ballroom Dance Program for Adult Day Services for Persons with Dementia, Joshua Reese "Zano" Manzano
Dance/Movement Therapy Utilizing Therapy Dogs for Adults Diagnosed with Psychotic Disorders, Alyssa Danielle Owens
Developing Cultural Awareness Throught Body-Based Skills and Movement with Children in the Catholic Charities of Joliet Head Start Classroom, Natiya M. Reggans
Making Meaning of Repetitious Movement Patterns: A Heuristic Inquiry, Elise Marie Ringenberg
Caring for the Whole Clinician: A Body-Based Framwork for Self-Care and Supervision, Aliza Roth
Many Truths: A Case Record Review of How Teaching a Dance Class for Students with Special Needs Shaped My Professional Identity, Shauna D. Shrewsbury
Grief Moves: An Embodied Artistic Inquiry Into Losing and Finding the Self, Joanna Taubeneck
Effectively Integrating Dance/Movement Therapy and Restorative Justice into High School Programs, Tia Vegemast
A Heuristic Inquiry: Engaging with Spirituality as Self-Care, Meredith E. Weissert
I Don't Know: An Artistic Inquiry Self-Study of Clinical Decision Making in Dance/Movement Therapy, Sarah Wiltgen
Dance/Movement Therapy Techniques for Helping Actors Exit Character and Emotion: A Program Development Project, Alison Vodnoy Wolf
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Cultural Differences in Group Therapy: A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Embodied Experience of the Cultural Bump, Natalie R. Breitmeyer
Safety First: Fostering the Neurological Experience of Safety in Dance/Movement Therapy Sessions for Survivors of Sexual Trauma, Chelsea Joy Davis
Encountering Disenfranchised Grief: A Pilot Investigation of the Clinical Lived Experiences in Dance/Movement Therapy, Kate M. Dominguez
Role Exploration: A Heuristic Study Into How Various Roles Influence the Role of Emerging Dance/Movement Therapist, Patrick Thomas Justin
An Annotated Bibliography of Creative Interventions Within Dance/Movement Therapy, Kaitlynn Kavanaugh
Decluttering the Mind: A Creative Approach Towards Becoming, Jessica Ann Lochte
Exploring Kinesthethic Empathy in the Medical Setting: A Heuristic Inquiry, Jenna Maltby
Engaging Collective Embodied Resilience, Enacting Ritual Movement Practice in a Social Change Process, Lauren Rose Milburn
Kuelewa: Evaluating the JABE Therapeutic Dance Program in Kibera, Sarah Moore
You, Me, and We: An Artistic Inquiry Exploring Embodied Self-Awareness, Peter Navarro
The Intersection of Anger Management Counseling and Embodiment in Dance/Movement Therapy, Maria Parise
A Heuristic Inquiry: The Narrative of a Beginning Dance/Movement Therapist's Professional Identity Development, Danielle Parmacek
Stepping In: My Experience of Embodied Power Through the Relations-Cultural Framework, Sarah C. Rot
Embodied Nonverbal Microaggressions From the Perspective of Dance/Movement Therapists: Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, Rebecca A. Schultz
Paving the Road to Resilience: A Grounded Theory Pilot Study, Ruchi Shah
An Embodied Artistic Inquiry on Self-Compassion: Awakening the Warrior Goddess Within, Lindsey Rae Thompson
Move About It: Movement-Based Sexual Abuse Prevention Workshop for High Schools, Katie Wild
A Heuristic Inquiry Into the Subjective Lived Experience and Expression of Authenticity as a Developing Dance/Movement Therapist, Elyssa M. Yeh
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Embodied Resilience in Unaccompanied Latin American Children in a United States Reception Center, Marcos Oro Caldero
Dance/Movement Therapy and Competitive Dance: An In Depth Self Evaluation, Veronica A. Chapp-Miller
Unraveling and Understanding the Therapeutic Self: A Heuristic Inquiry on Countertransference, Donna DeCotiis
Math Via Movement: Using Emotional Intelligence in the Math Classroom, Renee Gestalt
Learning to Relate: A Heuristic Inquiry Exploring the Development of Therapeutic Relationships, Megan King
Moving After Baby: Developing Informed Dance/Movement Therapy Interventions for Symptoms of Postpartum Depression, Tonia Levison
Mutuality in Movement: A Relational Approach to Dance/Movement Therapy With Domestic Violence Survivors, Heather L. MacLaren
An Excursion Into the Creative Process: An Artistic Inquiry Utlizing Ritualistic Self-Care In Movement, Bobbi Jean McKissick
Dance Movement Therapy and Holism: Moving Beyond Body/Mind/Spirit, Laura Miller
Body Beyond Boundaries: An Auto-Ethnography On My Embodied Culture In My Work as a Dance/Movement Therapy Intern Practicing In Another Culture, Akanksha Mishra
Embodied Narratives: The Influence of Dance/Movement Therapy on the Mood of Hospitalized Children, Ashlea Palafox
Self-Care for Dance/Movement Therapy Interns booklet, Stephanie N. Terrell
Self-Care Practices for Dance/Movement Therapy Student Interns: A Multifaceted Toolbox, Stephanie N. Terrell
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
A Body-Based Program Development Project to Prevent Burnout Among Mental Healthcare Professionals, Amanda J. Abeling
Aesthetically Significant: An Embodied Artistic Inquiry Exploring the Experience of Aesthetics as an Emerging Dance/Movement Therapist, Hannah Bailey
Examining the Connection Between Spirituality and Embodiment in Medical Education, Katie Bellamy
The Dance Impermanence: An Artistic Inquiry Through Improvisation, Julie Frances Brannen
Dance/Movement Therapy In-Service Model: A Collaborative Creation, Erin Arline Howe
The Creative Process of Choreography and Performance: The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Within Dance/Movement Therapy, Chih-Hsien Lin
The Evaluation of Creative Passages: A Dance/Movement Therapy and Rits of Passage Pilot Program for Adolescent Girls, Monimia Macbeth
Developing an Informed Clinical Practice Through the Embodied Discovery of Somatic Countertransference: An Artistic Inquiry, Nell McCarty
Listening with the Eyes and Body: An Artistic Inquiry to Explore the Needs of Deaf Adults with Chronic Mental Illness, Malorie McGee
My Embodied Multiracial Experience, Catherine C. Miller
Dance/Movement Therapy and the Journey of Infertility: A Phenomenological Study, Sara Ogawa
UBU-Unique But United: A Movement-Based Curriculum for an Inclusive Pre-School Classroom Focusing on Social-Emotional Learning, Julie Schadeck
Moving THRU: Dance/Movement Therapy Based Program for Direct Caregivers of Childhood Survivors of Human Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation in Belize, Amy VanBecelaere
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Maintaining Stability in the Face of Adversity: Self-care Practices of Human Trafficking Survivor-Traniners in India, Ashley Fargnoli
Creating Family: A Phenomenological Needs-Assessment of Adoptive Parents for Implications in Dance/Movement Therapy, Eva C. Glaser
A Community That Dances Never Dies: An Ethnographic Study on People of the African Diaspora Within the African Dance and Drum Community in Chicago, Ifetayo Kitwana
Dance/Movement Therapy as a Therapeutic Approach for Excoriation (Skin Picking) Disorder: Movement Treating Movement, Karissa Martens
Friendship and Dance/Movement Therapy with Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Elise Moore
Dance, Movement, and Performance with Israeli and Palestinian Children Living in War Conflict, Maria Ninos
Exploring Empathy: A Dance/Movement Therapy Program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Krista Samborsky
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Religious Multicultural Competence Amongst Dance/Movement Therapists, Jaclyn Abramson
Enhancing and Sustaining the Personal Wellness/Self-efficacy Cycle of a Dance/Movemet Therapy Intern, Lynn R. Chapman
Performance as Therapy: An Intervention for Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Emily A. D'Annunzio
An Annotated Bibliography of Dance/Movement Therapy Appraoches to Eating Disorders, Apryl Marie Grasty
A Theoretical Comparison of Dance/Movement Therapy and Expressive Arts Therapy, Heidi Landgraf
The Lived Experience of Vicarious Trauma for Providers: A Narrative Phenomenoleogical Study, Ambryn D. Melius
A Journey Through the Embodiment of Aggression, Anson Relick
A Moving Journey: Personal Reflections From Dance/Movement Therapists with Non-Traditional Backgrounds, Meghan Nicole Slade
Counselor Identity Development: A Heuristic Look into the Past, Present, and Future Role Identities, Jaquel Stokes
The Phenomenon of Play Within a Dance/Movement Therapy Setting with Adults, Alison Teichart
Breaking the Silence and Moving Voices: Dance/Movement Therapy in the Treatment of Male and Female Sexual Trauma Survivors, Sarah A. Winkler
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Moving Toward Leadership: A Case Study of Latina Adolescents and Effective Communication, Isela Estrada
Towards Integration: An Autoethnography on the Development of Identity, Kanchana Henrich
Choreography and Performance with Deaf Adults Who Have Mental Illness: Culturally Affirmative Participatory Research, Sondra H. Malling
Doing It Alone: Supporting a Single Mother Through Authentic Movement (An Artistic Inquiry), Lucrecia Platt
Dance/Movement Therapy and Autism: A Case Study, Katherine Ann Porter
Mindful Bodies: The Use of Guided Meditation with Dance/Movement Therapy in Addiction Treatment, Melissa A. Sanchez
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Total Body Integration: A Phenomenological Heuristic Study, Deva M. Connett
Finding the Rhythm in Dance/Movement Therapy: The Use of Tap Dance in Residential Treatment, Alexandria D’Aurio
Dance/Movement Therapy in Inpatient Hematological Cancer Treatment, Megan Hall
Give Peace a Dance: An Ethnographic Research Project About a Dancing Community in Chicago and the Implications for Dance/Movement Therapy, Isabel Martinez Mulcahy
Dance/Movement Therapy in India, Rakhi Rangparia
Voice From the Deep: A Black Student's Journey in a Dance/Movement Therapy Graduate Program, Aqueena H. Smith
Effort and Personality According to Rudolf Laban: An Artistic Inquiry of Mobile State, Sara R. Van Koningsveld
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Finding My Feet: A Dance/Movement Therapy Intern's Heuristic Inquiry of Clinician Self-Care, Megan J. Blazek
The Emotional Road to Recovery: Tracking the Mind and Body Experience of Shame in Women Recovering From Drugs and Alcohol, Nicole DiBacco