Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Art in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling (MA)
Creative Arts Therapies
First Advisor
Kimberly Rothwell
Dance therapy, Eating disorders -- Treatment, Movement therapy
This thesis is an annotated bibliography of dance/movement therapy approaches to eating disorders. The leading question of this research was: What information exists on dance/movement therapy approaches to eating disorders? Through data collection of articles, book chapters, online interviews, and the suggestions of therapists in the field, a total of twenty-six sources were annotated in this bibliography. The bibliography is organized by the author’s last name and each citation provides the author’s qualifications, analysis of content, and assessment of strengths and weaknesses. During the research process, the writer discovered that the selection of sources, such as master’s theses, were not accessible. The limitations this lack of access caused in creating a complete bibliography are addressed in the discussion and conclusion chapter.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Grasty, Apryl Marie, "An Annotated Bibliography of Dance/Movement Therapy Appraoches to Eating Disorders" (2013). Creative Arts Therapies Theses. 48.