Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Art in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling (MA)
Creative Arts Therapies
First Advisor
Imus, Susan
Second Advisor
Downey, Laura
Third Advisor
Brown, Andrea
dance/movement therapy, thematic analysis, residential treatment, Illinois, adolescent girls, Creative Passages Program
The purpose of this evaluation project was to assess the Creative Passages Program; a dance/movement therapy pilot program incorporating rites of passage rituals that was developed by the principle investigator. The evaluation included comprehensive assessment evaluation methods to assess the programs performance and its ability to achieve its specified outcomes. Creative Passages was constructed around a rites of passage framework, applying a ritual based experience similar to ceremonies performed for female adolescents in many cultures around the world. The program was developed around the idea that a dance/movement therapy program that incorporates rites of passage ritual for adolescent girls will enhance their understandings of their own self-concepts, increase their ability to express themselves, and positively impact their social skills; thus fostering a positive sense of self-worth that will benefit the next phase of their lives. 115 pages.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Macbeth, Monimia, "The Evaluation of Creative Passages: A Dance/Movement Therapy and Rits of Passage Pilot Program for Adolescent Girls" (2015). Creative Arts Therapies Theses. 61.