
Creation Date
Fall 2021
WHY THIS SUBEJCT? Being a woman, we face criticisms each day across all matters. I felt it was important to capture something I could relate to.
WHAT SHOULD WE KNOW? This work depicts the many jobs women are expected to perform all while being okay 100% of the time! Us woman carry some of the toughest jobs and many do not realize the toll it takes, but WE CAN HANDLE IT and WE DO. We can do anything a man can.
WHAT WAS YOUR TECHNIQUE/PROCESS? This poster was created using Adobe Creative Suite using line work and color vector work in an animated presentation.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
"We can do one", :we can do them all", woman, plate, paintbrush, knife, iron, whisk, rubber gloves, spoon, hammer, screws, nails, gender