Response 2020

Response 2020


Conceived during the abrupt move from in-person classrooms to virtual ones due to the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, Columbia College Chicago faculty incorporated student thoughts about being in quarantine, staying indoors with shelter-in-place orders issued by states, and the social justice and police reform movements.

Realizing the unique perspective each student had to reflect and comment on the pandemic, faculty encouraged students to focus on projects designed to capture the experiences of college students during this time.

The projects reflect work from the Oral History: The Art of the Interview, Public History: Presenting and Interpreting the Past, History of Photography 1 and Art, Design & Change: Engaging Community through the Arts & Design classes, these student works offer insight into the pandemic experience from the college student perspective.

The student magazine, Echo: The Life Issue, 2020, offers additional insights into undergraduate student perspectives about their pandemic experience.


Browse the Response 2020 Collections:

Capturing Protest

Capturing Quarantine Oral Histories

Public History Journals

Stuck Indoors