Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Art in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling (MA)
Creative Arts Therapies
First Advisor
Hervey, Lenore
Second Advisor
Imus, Susan
The purpose of my research is to investigate how adverse experiences can be a source of emotional positive transformation and growth. Using artistic inquiry, I hope to address the questions, “How can I maintain a sense of safety in an unsafe and ever-changing environment such as the inpatient psychiatric unit” and “How does my passion for dance/movement help me to survive and nurture self under these circumstances?” Using movement as my primary expressive medium, I will explore common themes and patterns that may arise through videoing and journaling my processes in response to these questions. Through an understanding of my body-mind dynamics, it may increase my belief that in going to the “darkness” or enduring traumatizing life experiences, one can find possibility for renewal.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Kaufman, Kimberly Brooke, "Using the Body to Investigate the Impact of Verbal and Physical Aggression While Working on an Acute Psychiatric Unit: An Artistic Inquiry Through Movement" (2010). Creative Arts Therapies Theses. 18.
Includes DVD.