"Chakra Self-Care: A Heuristic Exploration" by Alexandra L. Starrett
Creative Arts Therapies Theses

Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Art in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling (MA)


Creative Arts Therapies

First Advisor

Brown, Andrea

Second Advisor

Hervey, Lenore

Third Advisor

Imus, Susan


heuristic inquiry, self-care, yoga, chakra system, chakras


Therapists are vulnerable to a number of stressors that may affect them professionally and personally. It is critical that they engage in appropriate self-care activities and develop selfawareness to not only avoid boredom and burnout, but to maintain motivation and creativity in their work. The purpose of this study was to explore the use of the chakra system as a dance/movement therapist’s clinical self-care technique. The research was heuristic and transpersonal, and specifically aimed to discover what effects a consistent self-care tool focusing on one’s chakra system might have on one’s presence and work as a clinician/therapist. The research utilized dance/movement therapy theory, complemented by yoga theory, to maintain an awareness of and to address internal shifts within myself while performing clinical work. Stuctured written documentation was used to maintain my physical, emotional, mental, and energetic awareness, and served as the primary method of data collection. Movement interventions were created and applied to address issues within the self and the chakra system. A subjective and qualitative analysis followed, resulting in specific and general findings relating to the effects of the self-care tool on myself professionally and personally. Findings included discoveries of prominent chakras, Body Connectivities, and emotional issues that required focus. Overall, the exploration led to the beginnings of a deeper awareness of my typical presence as a therapist, an understanding of my attitude, values, and preferences about self-care, and a desire to further pursue the use of the chakra system as a means for self-care.


Includes video.
