The study guides accompany the filmed documentaries of Andrea Leland and were developed collaboratively for classroom use to teach about aspects of the film's subjects. There are two study guides for: The Garifuna Journey that documents Garifuna tradition bearers in Belize and Yurumein- Homeland, a collaborative work with the Caribs/Garifuna of St. Vincent, documenting their struggle to bring their culture back to the nation..
Yurumein - Homeland Study Guide
Andrea E. Leland and Lauren Poluha
The Garifuna and Carib communities of St Vincent in the Caribbean collaborated with the documentary filmmaker Andrea E. Leland to produce Yurumein – Homeland: The Caribs of St Vincent, an exploration of the historical and spiritual significance of St Vincent and Baliceaux to Garifuna and Carib communities.
This film guide speaks about the history, culture, music, and food of the peoples that were displaced from their home and, through activities addressing the film's content, informs readers about the movement to bring Garifuna/Kalinago culture back to St Vincent and reconnect Garinagu to their homeland.
The Garifuna Journey Study Guide
Andrea E. Leland and Kathy Berger
Garifuna tradition bearers, artists, and technicians collaborated with filmmakers Andrea E. Leland and Kathy Berger to produce The Garifuna Journey, a documentary focused on the story of resistance and continuity of culture. The National Garifuna Council of Belize also worked on the project with the goal of cultural retrieval, as little had been documented and collected for its own archives.
With direction from tradition bearers in Belize, video footage and audio taped oral histories were collected, transcribed, and returned to the Belize community. The documentary was produced from these materials, focused on the Garifuna experience in Belize.