Agricultural Festival |St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands | Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights - Camera 2, Tape 1
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Performance by Stanley & the Ten Sleepless Knights at Agricultural Festival Camera: Andrea Leland
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Caribbean music, jazz music, U.S. Virgin Islands, Crucian, Stanley & the Ten Sleepless Knights, Stanley Jacobs, Eldred Christian, Tino Francis, Gilbert Hendricks, Olaf Hendricks, Kendall Henry, Carmelo Pena, Christian Thompson, Jeanette Rouse-Cochrane, Lauren Larsen.
Art and Design | Arts and Humanities | Cultural History | Education | Ethnomusicology | Film and Media Studies | History | Music | Music Performance | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Recommended Citation
Leland, Andrea, "Agricultural Festival |St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands | Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights - Camera 2, Tape 1" (2004). Jamesie: King of Scratch. 73.

Stanley & the Ten Sleepless Knights whose members include: Stanley Jacobs, flute; Eldred Christian, vocalist and banjo-uke; Tino Francis, keyboards; Gilbert Hendricks, bass; Dr. Olaf Hendricks,saxophone; Kendall Henry, steel and squash; Carmelo Pena,drums; Christian Thompson, congo; Jeanette Rouse-Cochrane, vocals; Dr. Lauren Larsen, sound engineer. This video is part of the Andrea Leland Documentary Collection held at Center for Black Music Research, Columbia College Chicago. Camera: Matt Benedict. Running Time: 1:02:10