The Columbia College Chicago Oral History Project was conceived by Louis Silverstein, a Distinguished Professor in Humanities, History, and Social Sciences, who directed the project. While attending the memorial service in 1996 for Jane Alexandroff, wife of president Mirron 'Mike' Alexandroff, Silverstein realized "someone needed to take the initiative in fashioning a history of the college journey" through interviews with the people who contributed their talents toward the success of the college. The project goal was to preserve a record of college history from the 1960s on through the words of the people who shaped modern Columbia. Interviews were conducted by Louis Silverstein and oral historians Erin McCarthy and Chris Thale.
Early interviews were with people who joined the Columbia College community in the 1960s and 1970s and later interviews were with those who came to Columbia in the 1980s and 1990s. All interviews offer insight into the evolution and history of Columbia College Chicago through personal narrative.
Interview with Albert Williams, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Albert Williams was music department faculty.
Interview with Alfred "Bud" Perlman, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Alfred "Bud" Pearlman was former president of the Board of Trustees.
Interview with Al Parker, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Al Paker was a former chair of the Radio department.
Interview with Ann Kennedy, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Ann Kennedy was an administrative assistant and office manager.
Interview with Barry Burlison, 1999
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Barry Burlison was the former chair of the Graphics department.
Interview with Beau Basil Beaudoin 2001
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Beau Basil Beaudoin was a student & Television department faculty.
Interview with Bert Gall, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Bert Gall was EVP and Provost and alumnus (1969).
Interview with Betty Shiflett, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Betty Shifflet was alumna (1976) and Writing department faculty.
Interview with Bill Hayashi, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Bill Hayashi was Liberal Education department faculty.
Interview with Brian Katz, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Brian Katz was facilitator of Faculty Technology Support in the Academic Deans Office.
Interview with Carol Haliday-McQueen, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Carol Haliday-McQueen was Fine Arts department faculty.
Interview with Carol Loverde, 2004
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Carol Loverde was associate director of the Music department.
Interview with Catherine Slade, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Catherine Slade was alumna (1971) and Theater department faculty.
Interview with Chap Freeman, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Chap Freeman was Film and Video faculty.
Interview with Charles Cannon, 2004
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Charles Cannon was chair of the Science and Math department.
Interview with Charles Traub, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Charles Traub was the former chair of the Photography department.
Interview with Dan Dinello, 2004
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Dan Dinello was Film and Video department faculty.
Interview with Dennis Rich, 2004
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Rich Dennis was chair of the Arts, Entertainment, Media Management department.
Interview with Diane Erpenbach, 2001
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Diane Erpenbach was Management department faculty.
Interview with Diane Williams, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Diane Williams was alumna (1984) and Liberal Education department faculty.
Interview with Dominic Pacyga, 2001
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Dominic Pacyga was Liberal Education department faculty.
Interview with Doreen Bartoni, 2004
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Doreen Bartoli was dean of the School of Media Arts.
Interview with Ed Morris, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Ed Morris was Marketing Communication faculty.
Interview with Eric May,1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Eric May was alumus (1975) and English department faculty.
Interview with Ernie Whitworth, 1998
Columbia College Chicago
At the time of the interview, Ernie Whitworth was a former chair of the Fine Arts department.