ALL of the places YOU kissed ME before YOU kissed HER
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This series of nine images depicts various sections of body that were once kissed by a lover. At a glance, the photos depict the general deterioration of love; however, when paired with the title, it becomes clear that the piece focuses on a betrayal. Whether that be cheating or another form of disloyalty, the lover has moved on to a new person to some capacity, and these sections of body are now cold and unloved. While anyone can experience a betrayal of love, it is women who are often mistreated and used for their bodies. By displaying my own body, I place myself in the shoes of all other women who have had to experience the grief of being exploited.
Publication Date
Spring 4-19-2023
Photography, Black and white, images, portraiture, women, body
Type of Media
Visual Art
Recommended Citation
Tatarko, Eva, "ALL of the places YOU kissed ME before YOU kissed HER" (2023). Black Album Mixtape. 32.